Get out your pencils and paintbrushes….it’s time for the 2025 Core Sound Decoy Festival poster contest! This will be the 37th year for the contest, which is sponsored by the Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild. The Guild encourages artists to submit artwork that, if chosen as the winning entry, will be used on decoy festival posters, advertising flyers, and apparel. The featured bird for 2025 is an American Wigeon. As is the custom, a cash prize of $1000.00 will be awarded to the winning artist. Please note that there have been changes to the rules!! Entries are now limited to ONE PER PERSON!
Attention Artist: The Poster Contest Packets for the 37th Annual Core Sound Decoy Festival on December 6 – 7th 2025 are now ready. The Contest Starts on January 1st, 2024. Packages must be post marked by March 8th, 2025. The contest is open to everyone. This Years Featured Decoy will be the American Wigeon! Packets can be picked up the Guild Building on Thursdays from 10 – noon or at the Monthly Guild Meetings on Dec. 17th, Jan. 21st, and Feb. 18th. Or if you need one mailed to you, please email James Lewis at lewis_ducks@yahoo.com Good Luck to All!